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Hello : )

This is Weiyi, a Senior product designer in Ed-tech industry.

My current focuses are Reporting📄, Data visualization📈 and

Design system⚙️. 

I'm an auto-layout expert,  a visual thinker and  a passionate mentor



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Unified Admin Reporting

Migrate and redesign the legacy Benchmark assessment report

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Drill down into the data report

Design a drill-down feature to help school admins see more granular data


Design system components

Create design system components for company-wide use

Before 2022

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Social Gaming Experience

Design key features for iOS and web social gaming platforms for players

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Help teacher create assignment

Revamp the assignment creation process for teachers on a legacy education platform

What my coworker says 

“ Weiyi consistently developed multiple creative options for the design problems she was considering. I could trust her to come up with a set of strong, well-considered, future-thinking alternatives with the question or use case at hand."
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